If you are using Internet Explorer, then follow the below mentioned steps to take the backup of your browser Bookmarks / Favoutites:
- Open "My Computer" window. (By either double-clicking the shortcut icon or clicking on "Start"then choose "My Computer")
- Browse to C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\ and find the "Favorites" folder.Note: if you cannot see this folder; then, Click on Tools - Folder Options > Show Hidden Files & Folders > Apply > OK. Now, you will able to see the "Favorites" folder.
- Copy the "Favorites" folder to your any other location of your choice e.g. "D:\backup"
If you are using Firefox browser, then
- Inside the browser go to Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks.
- Click on File > Export
- Select the location of backup storage device where you want to save the bookmarks.html file.
- Click Save.
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