Thursday, December 31, 2009

0 Wish You A Happy New Year 2010

As the year 2009 is almost over I want to wish my all readers a very Happy New Year. May this year bring more happiness and prosperous in your life.

One of my friend send me this Happy New Year wishing trick. And I thought to share it here with you guys.
1. Copy the below content and paste it into notepad or download the notepad from here.
2. Select All and set the Font size to 6

3. Use replace all (Ctrl + H)
4. And click on 'replace all' "6" with "_" (Under score)

6666666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 666666666666
6669966666996699669 9999999669966666 9966666669966666 6996699999999669 9666699666666666 6666696666666666 666666666666
6669966666996699669 9999999669966666 9966666666996666 9966699999999669 9666699666666666 6666999666666666 666666666666
6669966666996699669 9666666669966666 9966666666699669 9666699666699669 9666699666666666 6669969966666666 666666666666
6669966966996699669 9999999669999999 9966666666669999 6666699666699669 9666699666666666 6699666996666666 666666666666
6669969996996699669 9999999669999999 9966666666666996 6666699666699669 9666699666666666 6999999999666666 666666666666
6669999699996699666 6666699669966666 9966666666666996 6666699666699669 9666699666666666 9999999999966666 666666666666
6669996669996699669 9999999669966666 9966666666666996 6666699999999669 9666699666666669 9666666666996666 666666666666
6669966666996699669 9999999669966666 9966666666666996 6666699999999669 9999999666666699 6666666666699666 666666666666
6666666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 666666666666
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6699666669966666666 6966666666699999 9996699999999669 9666666996666666 6996666699669999 9999669966666996 666666666666
6699666669966666666 9996666666699999 9996699999999666 9966669966666666 6999666699669999 9999669966666996 666666666666
6699666669966666669 9699666666699666 6996699666699666 6996699666666666 6999966699669966 6666669966666996 666666666666
6699999999966666699 6669966666699999 9996699999999666 6699996666666666 6996996699669999 9999669966966996 666666666666
6699999999966666999 9999996666699999 9996699999999666 6669966666666666 6996699699669999 9999669969996996 666666666666
6699666669966669999 9999999666699966 6666699666666666 6669966666666666 6996669999669966 6666669999699996 666666666666
6699666669966699666 6666669966699666 6666699666666666 6669966666666666 6996666999669999 9999669996669996 666666666666
6699666669966996666 6666666996699666 6666699666666666 6669966666666666 6996666699669999 9999669966666996 666666666666
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6669966666699669999 9999666666666966 6666666999999996 6666666999999966 9999999966699966 6699999999666666 666666666666
6666996666996669999 9999666666669996 6666666999999996 6666666999999996 9966669966669966 6699666699666666 666666666666
6666699669966669966 6666666666699699 6666666996666996 6666666666666996 9996669966669966 6699966699666666 666666666666
6666669999666669999 9999666666996669 9666666999999996 6666666666669966 9969669966669966 6699696699666666 666666666666
6666666996666669999 9999666669999999 9966666999999996 6666666666699666 9966969966669966 6699669699666666 666666666666
6666666996666669966 6666666699999999 9996666996996666 6666666669966666 9966699966669966 6699666999666666 666666666666
6666666996666669999 9999666996666666 6699666996699666 6666666999999996 9966669966669966 6699666699666666 666666666666
6666666996666669999 9999669966666666 6669966996666996 6666666999999996 9999999966699996 6699999999666666 666666666666
6666666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 666666666666

It will look like this.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

0 How To Reset Forgotten iPhone Lock Passcode

If your iPhone or iPod Touch was locked and you forget your lock passcode and you were out of luck as the only option was to do a fresh restore but now a new utility RMPassword lets you reset your iPhone lock passcode easily on a MAC OS X.

To get your iPhone lock code resetted follow the simple hack as described next, for this to work your iPhone must be jailbroken with Wi-Fi connectivity and should have OpenSSH installed.
Simply Open the Terminal and paste the code below and then press Enter :
sudo gem install net-ssh & & curl-O unzip & & & & mv / / Applications / & & rm & & echo "installed!"
RMPassword will now get installed in /Applications/ folder, Open the folder and double-click RMPassword (lock icon) following the on- screen instructions to reset your iPhone Passcode.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

0 Play Tetris Game In Utorrent

Open utorrent--->Help-->About utorrent.

When t shows a version screen, hit the 't' button

Now you'll see a tetris game. You can play there itself.

Just Hit The "t" on Ur Keyboard and you should be able to play the hidden TETRIS Game.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

0 Add A Related Post Widget In Blogger Part 2

In the last post we have discussed how to add a related post widget in blogger using the original template and does not use the read more widget.
In this post we are going to add a related post widget in blogger using a template that has been modified with Read More widget.

Here it goes. Follow the simple step and you are ready to go.

  • Log in into blogger with your ID
  • Click Layout 

  • Click EDIT HTML tab 

  • Click Download Full template. Please back up your template first
  • Please download the script first
  • Give a mark next to Expand Widget Templates and wait for a few seconds until the process is over.

  • Find the code below (The one in red code):

  • Copy the script you have downloaded, then paste you see below :  

  • And you are done. 
Read More..

2 Add A Related Post Widget In Blogger Part 1

It is a simple method to make the visitors stay long on your site.Which is to add the related posts widget at the end of every post in your blog. This increases the number of page views and it may even increase the page rank of your blog some day.

    Here it goes by following these simple steps.

    • Log in into blogger with your ID  
    • Click Layout 

    • Click EDIT HTML tab 

    • Click Download Full template. Please back up your template first 
    • Please download the script first
    • Give a mark next to Expand Widget Templates and wait for a few seconds until the process is over. 

    • Find the code below (The one in red code): 

    • Copy and paste the script you have downloaded right under the code
    • Finish and check the result
    The above steps are for those who use the original template and does not use the read more widget. If you use a template that has been modified with Read More. Use this link.

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    Monday, December 21, 2009

    1 Nokia Secret Codes and Tricks and Tips

    Tip 1: Do u know how to use the edit button (abc or pencil button)?
    Here how... in the inbox for example; you want to delete multiple sms, simply hold the edit button, scroll down, and then, press c to delete the marked sms. The edit button can also b used to copy and paste text in sms, simply hold it and scroll across, choose copy. Pretty good for placing song names in ngage.

    Tip 2: Shit happens, on a smartphone, it’s inevitable u do something wrong, and this calls for a format of phone. To format the phone, press *#7370#, then enter the lock code, which is the sec code of the phone.
    NOTE: battery must b full, else if format is disrupted by low battery, consequences will b disastrous
    I heard the code *#7780# works too, pretty much the same I think.
    For 6600 users, to format the phone, there’s an alternative way. Press and hold, and Call (Send) buttons, then power on phone, keep holding on the 3 buttons, till u come to a format screen. This method ONLY works on 6600, and need not enter the sec code. BUT sec code would be reset to default 12345.

    Tip 3: TO NGAGE USERS; Did u know u can install .sis files simply using the cable given? Just plug it in, place the .sis file anywhere on e: (the mmc), not in any folders, root of e:, disconnect, then look for it in manager.

    Tip 4: Save on battery and system memory being used by regularly checking the task manager which can be accessed by holding down the menu button!!

    Tip 5: Type *#06# to display your IMEI serial number, very valuable for the unlocking your phone to other sim cards

    Tip 6: Type *#0000# to view which firmware version you are running

    Tip 4a: Set the screen saver to a short time out period to prolong battery life.

    Tip 4b: Avoid restarting the phone, or repeatedly turning it on and off. This helps increase battery life.

    Tip 7: If you would like to avoid being "blue jacked", keep Bluetooth turned off, or set your phone's visibility to hidden.

    Tip 8: Don't want to carry a watch and a phone? Set the screen saver to show date and time, then you can ditch the watch.

    Tip 9: Save memory when installing apps, by installing over Bluetooth. This can be done using the Nokia phone suite and a Bluetooth serial connection. Only works with .SIS files, so java still has to be sent to the phone, but will save space when using .SIS files.

    Tip 10: Operator logos
    Use a file manager like FExplorer or SeleQ to add the folders: "c: /system/Apps/phone/oplogo". Add a .bmp picture to folder "oplogo" and restart your phone! The .bmp picture size needs to be: 97 x 25 pixels

    Tip 11: Check if the recipients phone is on
    Delivery reports or Type *0# your message in the message composer window space then write your message, the recipient will not see the star zero hash bit - just the message When they read it will relay a message back to your phone showing the time they received it. (Haven’t yet tried it myself though)
    Tip 12: BlueJackingFirst up, you need to know what Bluetooth is. There are lots of types of modern devices that incorporate Bluetooth as one of their many features. PDAs, mobile phones and laptops are a few of these modern devices. Bluetooth means that Bluetooth enabled devices can send things like phonebook/address book contacts, pictures & notes to other Bluetooth enabled devices wirelessly over a range of about 10 meters. So, we've got past the boring part. Now, using a phone with Bluetooth, you can create a phonebook contact and write a message, e.g. 'Hello, you've been blue jacked', in the 'Name' field. Then you can search for other phones with Bluetooth and send that phonebook contact to them. On their phone, a message will popup saying "'Hello, you've been blue jacked' has just been received by Bluetooth" or something along those lines. For most 'victims' they will have no idea as to how the message appeared on their phone.

    Tip 13: While you are viewing a picture in your phone's gallery, press one of these shortcut keys (definitely works on 6600, not sure about other symbians)
    1 - turn image anticlockwise
    3 - turn image clockwise
    * - toggle on/off of full screen
    5 - zoom in
    0 - zoom out
    #15 u can select all files in a folder by selecting THE folder and copy it then paste it somewhere. However you need to make a new directory. fexplorer would let u copy that folder together. Well seleQ can mark files to copy but it really takes time!
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    Sunday, December 20, 2009

    0 How To Install Blogger XML Templates

    In this post I am going to tell you how to install a new blogger template from your PC which you have downloaded from the internet to your PC.

    First, log into your Blogger blog. 

    STEP :1 Click the tab entitled “Layout”.

    STEP : 2  Click on “edit html”. You will be brought to the screen code of your blog where you can edit your templates.


    Your blog file is saved in XML code that makes it easy for you to just upload instead of trying to copy and paste an entire page of code like you would with HTML.

    STEP : 3 Click the browse button.

    STEP : 4 Choose the template you downloaded from where you saved it. Open the file. Click on your template with the XML extension. 

    Your file will appear in the browser bar. You may now click “upload”. 

    You may see a warning appear in red telling you that certain widgets like your profile or link list will be copied over. This will happen, but you can always add them back.

    Now, you may view the look of your new blog. To add gadgets, simply go back to the layout tab, click page elements, drop and drag these elements as you wish.

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    Sunday, December 13, 2009

    0 Beginner’s Guide to Web Hosting

    Web hosting is basically an Internet service that allows companies and individuals to create their own space on the Internet. Web hosting companies have servers that act as data centres. Customers will give files to their web hosting companies and those files will be stored in the data centres. They can then be found by anybody who wants to visit that person’s or company’s website.
    There are many web hosting services available, mainly these are divided between free web hosting and paid web hosting. Free web hosting is just that – free and the customer doesn’t pay a thing. This is more suitable towards people who are just beginning to have a website on the Internet. A paid web hosting company will charge for their services and offer more features to their customers. This is ideal for small companies that are going to be expanding or for large companies. Free web hosting will only allow for limited space and subdomains for the person’s site.
    There are many different paid web hosting companies that can be found online. The prices will depend on what type of services they offer. One can choose from a dedicated server, where one server will be dedicated to only that person’s file, or from a shared server. This is when many people are using the same server. It’s best to start with a shared server to see if the web hosting company offers what is needed. If the individual is satisfied with the service, it is then an appropriate time to move to a dedicated server.
    There are many benefits that can be derived from web hosting. The first is that the person or company will get their own web space. This provides the person with enough storage to keep all of their files and data to be published online. These files include web pages, images, audio, and videos. These are just a few of the files that may be kept by web hosting. The average amount of space that is provided by web hosting is 200MB. The more expensive packages can reach anywhere up to 500MB.
    Free email is another advantage that customers can enjoy from web hosting. This is much different than the public email addresses provided by Hotmail or Yahoo. This email address will be exclusive to the individual’s website. For example, if the website is called “”, the email can then be These types of email addresses are more than just handy to remember, they are important for serious businesses. It shows customers that they are dealing with a reputable company who is interested in spending money to make their business grow.
    Another advantage to web hosting is bandwidth. This is simply the amount of information that is transferred over the Internet. When a web hosting company provides appropriate bandwidth, it is easier for users to view the web page. This is especially true when there are many images, audio, or videos on one page. Users like to have a website that is easy to use so bandwidth is extremely important.
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    2 Free Web Hosting Limits

    If you are thinking about saving on web hosting costs then you should consider free web hosting services that don’t cost a penny and which, though they have not very great functionality, still allows you to have a presence on the Web. In addition, it is usual to get a sub-domain or even a directory to your name and it is often the case that free web hosting services will also allow you to use domains that you have purchased separately. However, before choosing a free web hosting service, you need to know about the top web hosting services and makes sure that you are aware of the limitations to choosing the best web hosting service. So, before reading up on web hosting reviews look at what the limitations to using free web hosting services are and then make your choice.
    Some of the limitations to using free web hosting services include limits on the size of the hosted file, tinier bandwidth each month, does not allow hot linking to files and it may not have the facility of certain files such as MP3, MPEG and ZIP files. In addition, with free web hosting services, you may have no alternative but to place the Webhost Banner or even Popup advertisements into each of your web pages, and worst of all, there is no guarantee of how much uptime you are going to get. Nevertheless, the free web hosting service could provide some extras such as control panel that is web based, transfer of files using FTP and use of scripting languages and even relational databases as also guestbook.
    There are some methods used of giving out free web hosting that includes instant activation, approved activation, and post for hosting as well as forum hosting. In the case of instant activation, you will generally be given very small storage space and there is very little bandwidth allowance as well plus you have to put up with many other limitations as well. And, you will also be at risk of being spammed.
    In case you go for approved activation you will get plenty of space as well as good bandwidth though there will be few features and such approved applications are generally needing approval of administrators who are employed by the free web hosting service and who need to validate your application depending on the information that you have supplied, which is really meant to help avoid spamming from occurring and also discouraging your website from becoming a phishing website.
    It is also usual for some free web hosting services to require that you post on a forum and free hosting that is forum-based will require that you contribute a number of posts before you are given free hosting with them. Such forum based free hosting usually runs on the basis of points for each post which can be used in order to get a free hosting account.
    Another thing that free web hosting services discourage is use of their service for file or image to be hosted and you will not also get a web page because that is where they put out their own advertisements. Also, in case your files exceeds a certain limit, the free web hosting service may not allow it though you can avail of some file hosting service for free that do permit extra large files and also hot linking.
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    0 Which Web Hosting is Best For You?

    With thousands of beginners trying their hand at websites, it is certain that the market is becoming quite crowded. From music blogs to gossip communities and technological havens – these online avenues can be a wonderful hobby for people who just want an audience. After all, who wouldn't want to be heard among thousands of visitors every day? For this reason alone, websites are one of the most popular forms of entertainment. While making a website is essential, the majority of beginners do not realize that web hosting is even more important.
    In simpler terms, web hosting provides you with the space to create your masterpiece. When you design your layout, post thousands of pictures, and even set up a chat room, you absolutely need a place to do so. For instance, if you were to do something like this outside of the virtual world, and build a theatre, wouldn't you need your own space? Luckily, web hosting is extremely affordable and can be easy for even the beginners to use.
    After you purchase a domain name, the next step is to find a company that will host your website. There are many different paths you can take to do this, but it depends on your main goals. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is ask yourself why you want to create a website. Is it for personal use – simply to post your pictures from college? Or perhaps your dream is to create the most popular music website on the internet. Regardless of your priorities, companies have built specific web hosting packages based around your needs.
    If you are looking to just post pictures or create something for fun, a free web hosting company is the way to go. There are many of these around the web, including Geocities and AngelFire. These two companies are dedicated to helping beginners. As a result, new webmasters do not need to know extensive HTML or CSS. In this day and age, it is quite easy to build a masterpiece. While these hosts give you a large amount of space and freedom, there are downsides. The majority of companies will stick pop up advertisements on your space, in order for them to market their company. Unfortunately, this is an annoyance for most, and can cause visitors to leave immediately. Luckily, Geocities lets you close the box when you enter the website. Nevertheless, if you are looking for an easy website and do not care about visitors, you simply should try it out.
    On the other hand, if you are looking for something a bit more professional, you should be emptying your wallet. Providentially, and GoDaddy are two companies that offer extremely cheap website hosting. This means that you can easily pay $12/year just for an abundance of space. Still looking for more features? These companies will let you add on everything from FrontPage Maker to extra bandwidth. If you are serious about your venture, these are places to check out.
    Web hosting may sound like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be difficult. With so many beginners flooding the internet, companies have put it upon themselves to make these programs much easier to use. As long as you can type in your name, have overflowing creativity and an e-mail address, the opportunities are endless.
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    Friday, December 11, 2009

    0 Ten Webhosting Company Reviews hosting plans are ideal for most individuals and small businesses. We're the affordable, reliable place to host your site, offering features like a 99.9% network uptime commitment, 24/7 support, and free access to our exclusive Go Daddy Hosting Connection - with EVERY hosting plan!
    • 1,000 Email Accounts
    • Host Unlimited Web sites
    • 50 MySQL Databases
    • Unlimited Email Forwards
    • Forums, Blogging, Photos
    • Go Daddy Hosting Connection
    • $25 Google® AdWords® Credit
    • $50 Microsoft® adCenter Credit
    • $50 Facebook® CreditFREE! SSL Certificate - $29.99 value! 

    Visit for details. 

    2. WebHostingPad provides a fast, reliable and comprehensive service that you will be completely satisfied with.
    • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
    • Host Unlimited websites on 1 account!
    • Award winning customer service
    • 99.9% uptime guarantee
    • State of the art Data Center
    • 30 day money back guarantee was formed in 2005 with a team of very successful and proven industry veterans, intent on delivering the best value in web hosting.

    Visit for details.

    3. Professional web hosting solutions by Yahoo! Web Hosting - Trust the technical details of web site hosting to us, so you can focus on your business!
    • Easy-to-use design tools
    • Free domain name (like
    • Unlimited disk space
    • Unlimited data transfer
    • Unlimited email storage
    • 24-hour customer service
    • Reliable and secure hosting
    • $50 Google AdWords credit
    • $100 Yahoo Marketing credit
    Yahoo! Web Hosting - Everything You Need for a Professional Web Site

    Visit for details.

    4. Lunarpages Hosting: 350 Gb Hosting Space, 3500 Gb Monthly Traffic, Host 11 Domains on 1 Account, Free Domain Name Forever, Free $700 CoffeeCup Software, Free Setup, 24/7 Toll-free Support, 30-Day Money Back

    Visit for details.

    5. Globat provides reliable and affordable web hosting packages for individual and e-commerce web site hosting solutions. Globat hosting: 1000 Gb Hosting Space, 10 Tb Bandwidth, Free Domain Name Registration, Free $25 Yahoo Marketing coupon, Free $30 Google AdWords Credit, Unlimited email/webmail accounts, 24/7 Customer and Technical Support, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, FREE Site Builder Tool with Templates

    Visit for details.

    6. BlueHost has been providing hosting solutions to thousands of business and personal web sites since 1996.

    Our professional Web Hosting plans include all the features you are looking for at the best possible price:
    • UNLIMITED Hosting Space (NEW!)
    • UNLIMITED File Transfer (NEW!)
    • Host UNLIMITED Domains!!!
    • 2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts
    • SSH, SSL, FTP, CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL
    • 2000/2002 Front Page Extensions
    • Free Domain Forever!
    • Free Site Builder (NEW)
    • 24/7 Superb/Responsive Sales/Support
    Our internet hosting package helps businesses and individuals get high-powered service at a fraction of the cost.

    Visit for details.

    7. FatCow has focused the entire company on delivering the best value and customer service experience in Web hosting to the small business user.
    • Unlimited Disk Space & Traffic
    • Free Domain and Instant Setup
    • 30 day money back guarantee
    • 99.9% Uptime
    • cPanel and Fantastico Script Library
    • 24/7 security monitoring, dual redundant M7I routers, 2 firewalls incorporating IDP technology cross-connected to the outside world with BGP border gateway protocol.
    FATCOW OATH - "When you have a question or technical issue, you want someone to be there for you, with an enthusiastic can-do attitude. That's just what you'll find when you contact our friendly Moo Crew! In fact, if we don't deliver a positive support experience, we will give you a free month of hosting. It's that simple".

    Visit for details.

    8. WebHostingPad provides a fast, reliable and comprehensive service that you will be completely satisfied with.
    • Unlimited disk space and bandwidth
    • Host Unlimited websites on 1 account!
    • Award winning customer service
    • 99.9% uptime guarantee
    • State of the art Data Center
    • 30 day money back guarantee was formed in 2005 with a team of very successful and proven industry veterans, intent on delivering the best value in web hosting.

    Visit for details.

    9. JustHost are dedicated to providing their customers with the most reliable web hosting service possible at the best possible price. Only $4.95 per month - save 20% if you buy from us!
    • FREE Domain For Life & FREE Instant Setup
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    • Unlimited GB's of Web Space
    • Unlimited GB's of Transfer
    • Unlimited Domain Hosting
    • Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
    • Unlimited MySQL Databases
    • SSL, FTP, Stats CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL
    • Professional web hosting from JustHost - affordable price plans, secure servers, first class 24/7 technical support and a wide range of features make hosting your website with Just Host the obvious choice.
      Visit for details. 

      10.  Having a website has become a true necessity nowadays. Here you will find all the required website resources in one place - 24/7 web hosting services by Mad Dog Web Hosting
      • No Set-up Fee
      • Instant Account Activation
      • Multi-lingual Control Panel
      • Site Management Tools
      • Full-featured E-mail Services
      • 99% Service Uptime Guarantee
      • Daily Data Back-up
      • 24/7 Customer Support
      • 1-Hour Support Response Time
      • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

      Visit for details.
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      Thursday, December 3, 2009

      0 Symptoms of Hacked Computer

      Here are the symptoms if your computer is infected with a Virus, Trojan and Hackers.

      1. Computer suddenly starts running slow. if this is the only indication then may be you have too many programs running at you computer .

      2. Settings were changed without your knowledge. Your web browser home page or file information.

      3. Suddenly slow internet access. It may sometimes have some other causes ie. poor quality modem, again if bunch of programs running in the background,as file sharing or something.

      4. Additional internet activity detected without you using any programs accessing the internet.

      5. Abnormal running files/processes in the task manager.
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      0 Search For Files In Rapidshare, Megaupload etc Through GOOGLE

      If you want to Find the Rapidshare users files OR any kind of file simply do the following method.

      1. Go to

      2. Write in search Box site:rapid

      3. And Press enter.

      You will Get All The Users. Keep Going in All the pages searched by Google.

      Also If You want to Download Any Kind Of File, Movie, Or whatever your need is just do the following

      Go to

      and write in search box HTML Editor

      OR Total Video Converter

      Any thing you type after will be searched in and you will get the list of users having these searched files. I have downloaded those software which are so expensive to buy freely with rapid share search method. You will Find Fully registered Software Here.

      Also you can search all the files in different other websites just do which I did.

      Please do not use this method for piracy. As it is illegal. Use for only educational purpose only.
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