1)>> Change Yahoo messenger title bar. Hey guys you can change the yahoo messenger title bar...
For this just find the foldermessenger in the drive in which the messenger is installed.
Then search a file named"ymsgr". In this file just go to the end and write the following code:
Here you can write any name in place of Red Devil... then see the fun.... You can have yourown name being placed in yahoo messenger title bar.
2)>>Remove Yahoo Ads
If you install the newest Yahoo Messenger 7.5 + & Version 8you'll notice a very annoying animated ads at the bottom of the main window.
To remove the Ads! Here is the Procedure!
(1)Open Notepad,
(2) Paste the following code on Notepad and save it as: somename.reg
N2Phone Adurl"="*""
Messenger Ad"="*""
Address Book"="*""
Change Room Banner"="*""
Conf Adurl"="*""
Chat Adurl"="*""
Messenger Help"="*""
Voice General Help"="*""
Finance Disclaimer"="*""
Webcam Upload Ad"="*""
Webcam Viewer Ad"="*""
Webcam Viewer Ad Big"="*""
Webcam Viewer Ad Medium"="*""
News Alert Ad URL"="*"
(3)Double click the file ( say: somename.reg )
(4)Click YesIts Done!! No more ads will be there in the yahoo messenger Window!
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