(Source Mashood.org)
Before purchasing any anti virus softwareyou must be sure that it acquires a satisfactory grade on the followingcriteria.
* effectiveness
* updates
* ease of installation
* easy availibility of support
* virus definitions updates
* scanning capabilities
* ad ware/spy ware Scanning
* scan compressed files
* auto-cleaning of infected files
* quarantining of infected files
* email protection
* instant messaging protection
* P2P/file sharing protection
* web mail protection
* detailed virus information
* updates of all types
* automatic definition updates
* automatic program updates
* manual definition updates
* must support all contemporary operating systems
Furthermore,there are certain other features that add substantial worth to thesoftware that’s equipped with them, such as, on-access scanning. Whatexactly this feature mean? Your files are scanned when you receive themand when you try to access them; so, it’s on-access scanning.
Similarly,there is on-demand scanning. It’s like manual scanning but you can bemore specific and scan a file at a particular time by simplyright-clicking on the filename.
ScheduledScanning is provided by almost all good antivirus software. A schedulerallows you to set a schedule for when and possibly how the program isgoing to scan your hard drive for viruses. Heuristic scanning is usedto detect newly-made viruses; in other words viruses that have recentlybeen released. It’s a feature that will only be found in the latestantivirus software.
ScriptBlocking technology monitors Java and VBS scripts and alerts users ofvirus-like behavior. They stop these viruses before they can infect asystem without needing virus definitions. So, mind it; it’s animportant feature that should be well explored before you make finaldecision about a particular piece of anti virus software.
Finally,a thing that adds to the reputation of anti virus software is thecertification that it possesses. For instance, ICSA Certification isvery important. ICSA is an independent organization that has a set ofcriteria for certifying anti-virus software.
Thenis VB 100% Certification. The Virus Bulletin (VB) 100% is an awardgiven to anti virus software that detects all current ‘in the wildîviruses during both on-demand and on-access scanning in VirusBulletin’s comparative tests and generates no false positives whenscanning a set of clean files.
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